From Mixamo to Godot: An Easier Approach
I created a video tutorial that explores the integration of Mixamo animations into the Godot game engine, focusing on the specific challenges users face especially with custom 3D character models. I tried using other Mixamo to Godot tutorials with custom rigged characters which resulted in poor results. I made this tutorial and it uses a simplified approach.
This solution does not need Blender or any other tools other than Mixamo and Godot 4.3+.
Godot Vertex Animation Textures Plugin
I created a plugin that extends the MultiMeshInstance3D node to support instanced vertex animations using vertex texture data.
My plugin is designed to simplify the process of animating meshes using VATs, providing a seamless integration with the Godot workflow.
Godot Universal Settings Plugin
I created a versatile, renderer-aware settings screen for Godot 4.3 that seamlessly adapts across all renderers and HTML web builds.
My plugin simplifies user settings management by saving and reloading configurations for graphics, audio settings, and keybinds, ensuring a consistent experience across platforms.
Godot Ocean Waves
An open ocean rendering experiment in the Godot Engine utilizing the inverse Fourier transform of directional ocean-wave spectra for wave generation. A concise set of parameters is exposed, allowing for scriptable, real-time modification of wave properties to emulate a wide-variety of ocean-wave environments.
Skeletron 2084
I made a 3D remake of the 1982 classic arcade game: Robotron 2084
using Godot for a recent retro style game jam. This game’s goal was to test my vertex animation textures solution inside a real game.
Smash the Mesh
Smash The Mesh (STM) is a Godot add-on that allows you to break a 3D mesh into multiple pieces and then apply physics to each fragment. It also offers the ability to save the results to disk (cache) and load them quickly, thereby avoiding the need for repetitive, often time-consuming computations.
Godot Boat Waves
Using compute shaders, I have made a basic speed boat demo showing a (Kelvin) wake pattern on a water shader. This demo is based off of the Compute Texture demo from the official godot-demo-projects
Little Jaina
This is my first game jam entry using the Godot game engine.
The game jam was for Pirate Software – Game Jam 14, which had over 7800 participants, and 1400 game entries.
The theme of the game jam was:
It’s Spreading
Godot GridMap for libGDX
I have created a solution that takes a 3D GridMap from Godot and uses it in my custom libGDX game engine. libGDX unfortunately does not come with a 3D Editor, more importantly, it does not have any 3D grid editors like libGDX has for 2D tile sets.
GLTF Mesh Optimizer Tool
I developed a tool that allows easy creation of LODs from your GLTF models with only a few clicks.
The tool allows you to save each LOD as a separate GLTF file.
Models are automatically optimized and LODs are generated on import.